Home > Event Signup

Event Signup

Lovely Llama

$35 Per Seat

Please enter your name and credit card information below.

* - Denotes Required Field

List represents remaining seats in the class.
Please select the total number of seats that you would like to purchase.

Have a Promo Code?

Have a 2 For 1 or Gift Certificate?  

Start a Group!  

Billing Address

Payment Information

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Terms and Conditions
Customers MUST present any coupons or gift certificates to the studio during check-in at the time of the event.

No outside drinks allowed during the event. Wine and beer bar will be open during event times.
Outside snacks are welcome.

If you have any problems making reservations, please call 405-524-4155 or email info@paintncheers.com.

Cancellation Policy
  • All reservations are non-refundable and non-transferable to any future classes.

Sign Up for Paint N Cheers